At the end of each financial year, assets are reviewed in order to determine if there are any impairment indicators.
It is considered that intangible assets and tangible fixed assets are impaired if as a result of technological changes, plans of liquidation, abandonment or other premises indicating decrease in usefulness of a given asset, the value of expected economic benefits related to intangible assets or tangible fixed assets has fallen.
When such indicators are identified, an impairment test for a given asset is carried out to determine its recoverable amount. A test for impairment of future profits from the acquired portfolio of insurance contracts is carried out together with a test for adequacy of provisions, as described in point 5.17.3. If necessary, an impairment loss is recognized to the recoverable amount. If an asset does not generate cash flows which, to a large extent, are independent of cash flows generated by other assets, the analysis is carried out for the smallest identifiable group of cash-generating assets which the asset belongs to. Impairment losses are recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss under “Other operating expenses”.
If there are premises indicating that the impairment losses recognized in previous periods are no longer required and the loss should be decreased, the recoverable value of such an asset is calculated. An impairment loss recognized in the previous periods is reversed to the recoverable value not exceeding the carrying amount that would have been determined (having deducted the depreciation), had the impairment loss not been recognized previously. A reversal of impairment loss is disclosed as income in the consolidated statement of profit or loss under “Other operating income”.